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Profiles provides a set of competency and outcome based learning objectives for medical students and faculties of all Switzerland. It will assist future doctors in being able to address all common medical situations on their first day of residency.
The acronym that has been adopted by the group of experts to denominate the new document summarizes its intentions: Principal Relevant Objectives and Framework for Integrative Learning and Education in Switzerland for the training of medical students; it proposes a conceptual framework with clinical, public health and ethical situations that bridge disciplines, and includes a series of Integrated competences and skills in the form of Entrustable Professional Activities, which foster new Learning methods and, more globally, a higher level of medical Education. This does not mean that basic sciences and specific discipline-related objectives will not be taught any more, but rather that they should be learned by the student in the context of an integrated approach that corresponds to the reality of medical practice.
A mandate of the Joint Commission of the Swiss Medical Schools